The official House Coordinates of Germany (HK-DE)

The official House Coordinates of Germany (HK-DE) define the precise spatial position of approx. 22 million buildings with addresses across Germany. The data source is the real estate cadastre of the Laender and therefore the official register of all land parcels and buildings in Germany. Unlike data calculated through interpolation or otherwise, the Official House Coordinates in Germany are generally based on individual on-site surveys. They are continually updated by the cadastre authorities and guarantee users long-term investment security.

The "Central Office House Coordinates and Building Polygons" (ZSHH), set up at the Agency for Digitisation, High-Speed Internet and Surveying in Bavaria, merges and provides the HK-DE of the Surveying Administrations of the Laender based on standardized fee and license models. The ZSHH currently provides an updated HK-DE database twice a year. 

  • HK-DEs document your individual added value, for example in the following areas:
  • Precise geocoding of address catalogues - the basis for numerous geographic marketing solutions,
  • Integration in navigation solutions for precise routing,
  • Integration in web services for mapping and navigation services on mobile devices,
  • Improvement of the bearing district administration and complaints processing for publishers,
  • Integration in network documentation and information as well as sales and marketing for utilities and companies from the telecommunications sector.

Customers include companies from the navigation sector, telecommunications and the geographic marketing sector as well as delivery organisations and publishers, utilities,  network operators and companies from the real estate industry. Moreover, authorities and organisations charged with security duties (for example, the police) as well as users from administration, science, research and teaching.

  • Contents of the HK-DE:
  • Identifier of the data set, nationwide unique ID
  • Quality information:
    • A = official house number whose coordinate is certainly within the recorded building geometry.
    • B = official house number whose coordinate is certainly within the area of the land parcel; a building is not certain to exist on the site.
    • C = house number internal to the real estate cadastre whose coordinate is certainly within the recorded building geometry.
  • Key for the Land, administrative district, district/independent city, municipality, location or municipality part, street - structured according to a nationally valid statistic key
  • Street name, house number, address supplement
  • Post code, postal location name, supplement to postal location name, postal district
  • Coordinate pairs in ETRS89/UTM

All essential information at a glance:

Number of HK-DE about 22 million nationwide
Data format text file with latin characters in UNICODE; character encoding: UTF-8
Updates twice a year
Reference system ETRS89/UTM Zone 32
Delivery units nationwide

A data format description can be found here.

Terms of purchase

Bavarian Agency for Digitisation, High-Speed Internet and Surveying
Tel.: +49 (0)89 2129-1299
©2025 Working Committee of the Surveying Authorities of the Laender of the Federal Republic of Germany